10x programmers

Not that I am one of them, I wish I would be…

But I have found this very inspirational


On one end are the type of hires that can sink an organization, actively increasing tech debt with every line of code they write. On the other, there are people who can write code that changes what is possible and have an impact that is an order of magnitude greater than the average.


what is that weird habit that I keep seeing in the top 1% of software engineers?


So what is that weird habit that I keep seeing in the top 1% of software engineers?

They are always building something. Not just at work. Outside of work too. Always building.

These are the people who write code every day at their day job, and then go home and write code on something else that they want to exist. I’m also one of those people, so I know what it’s about.

Same Origin Policy restriction, CORS

Here is my simple explanation(why) for the same origin policy.

– A web page in the clients browser, should not be allowed to call/access/load JS(or any other resources) from other domains


if my web page from infoq.com executes a call to another (unknown) domain, say xxx.com, then that request/response might execute JS code which is not part of the infoq.com web page, and that code could be compromised(it can not be trusted)

So with Same Origin Policy restriction – you make sure that you execute code from the site you intend to visit


Cross-Site Request Forgery Explained

in this video I have found out about – Burp Suite Scanner | PortSwigger
which has a nice HTTP – proxy/inspector

