MVC in simpler terms or the structure of a modern web-application

No kidding, this is a real good test for your controllers. Just try to create a command line interface for creating the new user and see, whether you will need any code borrowed from the controller. If so -your Controller is fat and this code should be moved into the model.

So in a nutshell, your Model should be able to perform any task your application is supposed to do, no matter through which interface it is called.


nice explination about paths

Being a programmer means

Being a programmer means:

* waking up each day to tackle problems
* find workarounds and evaluate tradeoffs
* get yelled at by compilers and tools
* figure out interesting solutions
* feel exhilarated when things seem to work
* then, go to bed thinking I don’t know a sh..zzzz
Source: venkat subramaniam on twitter.

I like to automate my tests not because I have a lot of time, but because I don’t.
– @venkat_s at @DevoxxPL 2017 keynote

Testing in Spring

Java EE vs Spring Testing

– Unit tests in a managed environment are useless. Integration tests are useful, therefore, they should be easy to write.
– I actually committed a couple of integration tests using Spring Boot recently. There is not much to say when you look at the code.

46.3.7 Mocking and Spying Beans
When running tests, it is sometimes necessary to mock certain components within your application context. For example, you may have a facade over some remote service that is unavailable during development. Mocking can also be useful when you want to simulate failures that might be hard to trigger in a real environment.


I am getting frustrated by the number of people calling any HTTP-based interface a REST API. Today’s example is the SocialSite REST API. That is RPC. It screams RPC. There is so much coupling on display that it should be given an X rating.

What needs to be done to make the REST architectural style clear on the notion that hypertext is a constraint? In other words, if the engine of application state (and hence the API) is not being driven by hypertext, then it cannot be RESTful and cannot be a REST API. Period. Is there some broken manual somewhere that needs to be fixed?