Kotlin Typescript similarities when declaring a var

I was watching this webinar – React+TypeScript+TDD in Rider
and I couldn’t help myself noticing the similarities between TypeScript and Kotlin

// Kotlin
private val project: Project // Cannot reassign after init
private var activeModule: Module // Can reassign after init

var employeeName:string = "John";

messed up my work station because of booting Ubuntu on a guest SSD

If you want to have a clear understanding and a nice explanation of BIOS boot-ing, UEFI boot-ing, etc…, Highly recommend this article –

UEFI boot: how does that actually work, then?

I have managed to mess up my work station, only because I have connected an SSD to the desktop and installed Ubuntu on that guest SSD,

So after installing Ubuntu on the guest SSD, and removing it from my workstation… DESPAIR! – my Linux Mint did not boot!!? – I panicked and I just wanted things to work the way they were
So I looked for a quick solution, Boot Repair which with just a few to solve my problem… of course it didn’t work and it might’ve broken things even worse…

Mentoring – what to aspire to as a Java Dev

Here’s an idea on what to aspire to as a Java Dev


Over the last two decades, I’ve gotten pretty good at using TDD and SOLID to create object oriented programs (with some functional programming parts) that run in a single process.

Using dependency inversion, I can develop 80 percent of the code purely under unit tests without firing the app up at all.

I can automatically refactor code with tools and know it will be correct.

I can easily create test doubles and prove out logic and design, using libraries.

I love that.