Do some software engineers cut corners like not working on unit tests, etc., when they try to complete a feature within unrealistic timelines?

It’s the dirty little secret of the software world that, when the CTO says that these features need to ship by this date, you do whatever is needful to ship those features by that date. Developers who stand on their professional ethics are simply fired and replaced by someone who will comply.*

First you try working smarter by taking advantage of more open source

Then you try working harder by staying late, working weekends, and living on pizza and Jolt Cola.

But eventually you are out of options and you start eating into the software process itself.

A developer loses their innocence when they realize that the priorities of the employer are, in order:

  1. Hit the sales deadline
  2. Implement the minimal shippable feature set
  3. Meet minimum quality standards


educative – Hexagonal Software Architecture for Web Applications

Managers are drawing deadlines all around the project team […]

And then there is our own software architecture. It was so nice in the beginning. Everything was working well. But then the deadlines pressed us into taking shortcuts. Now, these shortcuts are all that’s left of the architecture, and it is taking longer and longer to deliver new features.

Instead of letting external factors govern the state of our software architecture, this course will teach you to take control yourself. You can do so by creating an architecture that makes the software soft, as in “flexible,” “extensible,” and “adaptable.” Such an architecture will make it easy to react to external factors and take a lot of pressure off our backs.

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